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Active Urban addresses the full spectrum of open space and urban environments from city parks, to rural landscapes. Our work is guided by the notion that good design is a crucial parameter in successful placemaking and community building.


Our initial stage/s of observation and analysis assist us in understanding the interaction between people and the built environment. This approach is more likely to deliver successful design solutions with definable social and ecological benefits to our local communities and public spaces.


Through a creative, evidence-based process, we design imaginative, functional and environmentally focused solutions that inspire people to engage in active, healthy lifestyles.


Why would we focus on health and well-being as a design company? 


A leading cause of many health problems in Australia (heart disease, cancer, diabetes, injuries, obesity and mental illness) can relate to design choices. The built environment can affect the movement of people through space, the interaction between people, and how they interact with the space.






Our key services include: Masterplans & Green Planning, Strategy & Frameworks, Tracks & Trails, Placemaking, Research & Pilot Projects, Streetscapes and Movement Networks. Contact us to enquire about how we can assist with your project.



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